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Snow on Denver Avenue #2, Fort Lupton, CO, ca 1914.

In this view of buildings seen from the west side of Denver Avenue, are:  

  • The U.S. Post Office.
  • A pool hall, perhaps, given the word “Pool” painted on the windows.  The printing on the awning, though, appears to say “Gents Furnishings.”    I would say things were not going well for this establishment.  This site was formerly occupied by the J.P. Gorman & Son store. 
  • On the far side of the alley from the pool hall is a filling station built by a fellow by the name of Coffee from Platteville. He would pump gasoline from a storage tank under the floor into containers and then pour the gasoline from the containers into waiting cars.  Ora Putnam bought the place from him and by 1916 had installed some of the most modern gas pumps in Colorado.   This site is now occupied by the defunct Star Theater.  

Beyond the two men standing in the street is a man who appears to be sitting atop something – maybe a wagon or a snow plow.  I want to say from the shapes in front of him that he’s behind two horses.


“Crossroads in Eden:  The Development of Fort Lupton 1835 – 2000,” by Adam Thomas, October 2003,  page 34, at .

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