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Fort Lupton State Bank check, Fort Lupton, CO, 1903.

This image shows a Fort Lupton State Bank check dated April 13, 1903.  In 1900, Mr. S. G. Hurst, a merchant and banker in Brighton, opened the Fort Lupton State Bank, and located it on the lower floor of W.G Winbourn’s Hotel Lupton, which sat on the northwest corner of Fourth Street and Main.  Mr. Hurst was president, and he designated one of his employees, Iowa-born Seymour J. (aka “S.J.” or “Dusty”) Rhode, as his cashier.  In that same year, S.J. married Mary Birdie (Aistrope) Rhode of Iowa and brought her to Fort Lupton and into ownership in the bank.  At the time this check was written, Birdie was the bank president and S.J. was vice-president and cashier.  In 1910, a new building for the bank was completed on the northwest corner of Fourth Street and Denver Avenue.   


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